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Published On: April 16, 2014
 By: Sandra Clark, Alabama




100 reasons to own a pool

1. Permanent Vacation – Being a swimming pool owner is like a permanent vacation! Every day is a great day! Your back yard will be paradise for your family.

2. Always Enjoyable - A swimming pool is always a fun place to be and even more so when it is in your own back yard. It’s great for games, exercise, or just relaxing and always enjoyable!

3. Your Kids Will Be Early Swimmers - Children love to splash and play in water. Most kids can’t wait to learn to swim. A pool is great, healthy environment for your little fish where they can play to their hearts’ content.

4. Become a Snorkeler – Even if you can’t make to a tropical island somewhere, you can learn to snorkel-- in the family pool! Your kids will have a wonderful time imagining that they are swimming with schools of fish and maybe even sharks!

5. Family Togetherness – The pool is a magnet and a natural gathering spot and will encourage your family to come together. What a great way to keep your family close.

6. They Grow Up So Fast – They were just little yesterday, weren’t they? Any parent will tell you that the time is so short. Children are the perfect reason to purchase a pool today.

7. Is Anything Else As Much Fun As a Pool? – You can buy a cool toy, go to a concert, or take a vacation, but they only last so long. A swimming pool adds pleasure for years.

8. It’s Something Special for the Family – A pool is a dream come true for a family. Your whole family will look forward eagerly to the purchase of a pool.

9. Lots of Incredible Toys – There are so many fun things to play with in the pool - - rafts, inner tubes, beach balls, squirt guns, basketball hoops. The choices are endless and will delight every family member.

10. Fun for the Whole Family – A pool is good, clean fun and everyone in the family will enjoy it--from the youngest child to the oldest member of the family.

11. Create Memories – Do you remember how exciting a swimming pool was when you were little and how you couldn’t wait to get in and hated to get out? Your children will feel the same way. Imagine the memories you will all have!

12. It’s the Best – There is no more fun place on earth for kids and parents than in the pool.

13. Show Them You Care – What is a better gift than a pool? No matter what kind, shape, or size it is the perfect gift. It says something special to your loved ones and shows that you want to be close to them and you enjoy being together.

14. It’s a Theme Park in Your Back Yard – There are so many games, floats, slides, and toys available that you will feel like you have your own theme park. And, the lines are never long and you control the hours when it’s open. Fun is always happening here!

15. Grandma and Grandpa Can Learn to Swim – If you’ve got elder family members who never had a chance to learn to swim, the family pool is the perfect place for them to learn. Not only can they enjoy watching the kids frolic in the water, no they can join them! Your backyard oasis is a comfortable and secure place for anyone to learn.

16. It’s Time to Relax – What better place to relax than by a pool or on a float in the pool? What a great way to unwind and forget the stresses of daily life. The soothing effects of a pool almost can’t be measured.

17. It’s a Great Place to Read and Relax – For a wonderful feeling of serenity, nothing beats sitting next to the pool in a comfortable chair with a good book or magazine. And, it’s so easy to take a refreshing dip into the pool to cool off and then jump right back into your favorite pages.

18. It’s the Most Perfect Family Present Ever - Pool ownership fits many people’s lifestyle goals. Why not indulge yourself and your loved ones and create the special oasis you’ve always wanted for your home.

19. Own Your Own Tanning Salon - Families with pools naturally have the best tans! What a relaxing way to get the tan that everyone will envy!

20. A Pool Adds Life Balance – The pool is the best place to rejuvenate after a hard day at work or school. There is nothing more inviting. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a pool to look forward to at the end of a long day?

21. Complete Enjoyment - A swimming pool is a natural part of everyday life for many families. It’s like a comfy couch or an easy chair. It’s a place where they can be themselves and be totally at ease.

22. Don’t Wait to Enjoy Life – Everyone deserves a pool -- not just the children, but you, too! Why put off rewarding yourself with a pool? Life goes by so fast --don`t wait too long!

23. It Can be a Personal Fashion Statement – If you’ve got a passion for fashion, then a new pool can be built to your custom design. And don’t forget all the accessories! From landscaping and patio furniture, to sunglasses, swimsuits, and towels, there are endless ways to make your pool scene your uniquely your own.

24. Wouldn’t You Love a Pool House? – If you’ve always wanted a special place to entertain guests for outdoor affairs or evenings on the lawn, a pool house or cabana is perfect. But don’t forget the pool first!

25. The Value of Ownership – A pool adds value to your home – both in its re-sale value and in the harder to measure value that you gain in your enjoyment of your home. Your home really can be your castle!

26. Better Health – Why not combine great entertainment at home and a healthier lifestyle? A backyard swimming pool is the perfect way to have both.

27. The Best Exercise – Swimming and aquatics are some of the best exercises for the body. Many physicians and health trainers agree. Water exercises are more beneficial because they put less stress on limbs and joints while building endurance and conditioning your heart.

28. Get Better Sleep - Many people who own swimming pools feel that a late evening swim or a few minutes in the spa invites the best sleep of all. It helps your muscles to relax and helps you sleep better as a result.

29. Arthritis and Sore Joint Relief – A regular program of water exercises is often recommend for people who suffer from the debilitating effects and pain of arthritis. Talk to your Doctor to see if it is right for you.

30. A Marvelous Environment for People with Disabilities – Everyone can enjoy the water due to the wide array of lifts and access equipment available from many pool and spa accessory manufacturers.

31. A Healthy Heart – Exercise and a healthy diet are the best way to stay in shape. Swimming and aquatics can help all family members with weight maintenance and can also build a strong, healthy heart. A backyard pool can be the ticket to a longer, healthier life.

32. Aquatics Are Popular - Many books and magazines tout the superior benefits of aquatics versus other types of exercise. With a backyard pool you can enjoy what many call the perfect exercise for the whole body.

33. It’s a Great Way to Burn Off a Big Meal –A pool in the backyard is convenient and it’s the perfect inducement for exercise anytime. It’s the best way to rev up your metabolism.

34. A Great Way to Avoid Becoming a Couch Potato – It’s so easy to fall on the couch at the end of a stressful day but that’s not good for your health! A pool is an excellent to save everyone in the family from becoming a couch potato.

35. An Excellent Alternative to Watching Television – Television is good entertainment but too much is not good. A pool offers fun and healthy exercise.

36. Sports Are More Fun in the Pool – Who doesn’t enjoy a game in the pool? Many are even more fun because they can involve most family members, not just those who excel.

37. Swimming is a Healthy Way to Build an Appetite – Playing and exercising in the pool may help the picky eaters in your family get back into good eating habits.

38. Raise Confident Kids - Learning to swim, dive, and interact compatibly with others helps children gain confidence and prepares them for life.

39. Life Lessons Can be Learned in a Pool - A pool encourages healthy habits, an active lifestyle, and self confidence. These are all long-term benefits for a happy life.

40. Floating is a Wonderful Stress Reducer- Floating calmly in your pool is almost like yoga. It helps release tension and allows you to free your mind from worries and cares. No one has life completely free of stress and stress reduction is a huge part of any healthy lifestyle.

41. Beat the Heat - When the temperatures soar into the triple digits, nothing cools you off faster than a dip in the pool. Isn’t it nice to know that no matter how hot it gets, you have relief right in your own back yard? This is a primary reason to own your pool.

42. You Don’t Have to Leave Home – Nobody likes packing up the kids and all their gear just to drive somewhere to cool off. Many people feel that the convenience factor alone is reason enough to warrant the purchase of a pool.

43. Always Know Where the Kids Are - Knowing that the children are close by is one of the main benefits of having a backyard pool. They won’t need to wander off when they have such a great reason to stay home.

44. Knowing Who The Kids Are With – Having a pool in your backyard is a great way to get to know your children’s friends.

45. A Family Gathering Place - A swimming pool is a wonderful place to hang out. It encourages families to spend time together having fun or relaxing.

46. A Pool Means Less Grass to Cut – It’s true, you lose some yard to the pool but the good news is that means less grass to cut. And, when you’re done mowing a swimming pool is there to reward you. A refreshing splash is all it takes to renew the body and refresh the spirit.

47. Keep Your Privacy – Not everyone is comfortable at the beach or a public pool. Unfortunately, we aren’t all swimsuit models! With your own backyard pool you don’t have to miss out anymore.

48. It’s Better Than a Swim Club – Have your own swim club in your backyard. There are no crowds, no fighting for poolside seating, and no one splashing you while you try to rest. Swim all the laps you want without anyone blocking your way or hitting you from behind.

49. The Pool is a Magnet for the Grandchildren – What an excellent way to keep the grandchildren coming back. Happy grandkids equals happy grandparents!

50. The Pool is There Whenever You Need It - Knowing you have a swimming pool of your own is a special feeling. The convenience can never be truly measured. Just knowing your pool awaits you anytime, day or night, is a joy for pool owners everywhere.

51. Pools Are a Great Value – Many families add heaters and covers to extend the time they can use their pool; others even add enclosures for year-round convenience. And, automated cleaners keep maintenance to a minimum.

52. Make Sure the Kids Get Plenty of Fresh Air – Trying to get the kids away from the TV and computer is a challenge. All parents want their children to play outside in the sunshine. Very few kids can resist a sparkling pool and a couple of friends.

53. A Refreshing Dip After Tennis – If you’ve got a home tennis court, your friends will love playing at your house knowing that a dip in the pool will follow. As the match heats up, everyone will be looking forward to jumping in the cool water. It may even improve your game.

54. The Pool Looks Good From the Golf Course - You`ve reached the 18th green and the temperature is in the 90s and so is your golf score. Reward yourself by heading home and enjoying a few hours of fun in your pool with your family.

55. Easy Maintenance - Nowadays pools are extremely easy to maintain. Many come with advanced electronics, remote control features, and simplified operating procedures. Spend more time enjoying your pool and less time maintaining it.

56. No Reservations Required - It`s no fun to fight the crowds at a resort and many pool owners have decided that they would rather be at home enjoying themselves. No advanced reservations are required and the time spent at play is greatly extended and often less expensive.

57. Train a Competitive Diver or Swimmer - A swimming pool in the backyard will help the competitive swimmer or diver in the family. Many famous water sports figures started out in the pool in their backyard. It is definitely a wonderful training aid.

58. Perfect for a Girls Night Out - A swimming pool in the yard offers owners an excellent reason to stay at home for fun and entertainment. It’s the perfect place to rediscover your best friends.

59. The Moonlight is Romantic- When the sun has set and the children are fast asleep in their beds, the swimming pool awaits. A glowing pool reflecting the moonlight is the ultimate n romantic settings. Just ask the adults who own one.

60. For a Secret Rendezvous – Any time of day or night the swimming pool or spa is a perfect place for a rendezvous. It is a wonderful spot for heart to heart talks and to rediscover the person you truly love.

61. Skinny Dipping - Everyone dreams of being adventurous and skinny dipping. Your own private pool is a safe place to try this out. Just make sure that the kids are in dreamland first!

62. It’s a Private Lagoon – A pool can be your own private oasis for you and your loved one. Enhance the experience with the soothing sound of a waterfall for complete relaxation.

63. It’s a Beautiful Place to Count the Stars - Sitting by the pool or floating on its calm surface with the person you love is a gorgeous place to count the stars. It is easy to see them as they reflect in the dark water. What could be more romantic than watching for a shooting star and wishing on it with the one you love?

64. Keep the Good Times Coming - A pool can be a wonderful way to let loose and have fun with your spouse.

65. A Private Mini Vacation – It’s time to get away from it all. Mom says she`ll watch the children. Where do you go? Well, there’s no place like home – it’s close by and inexpensive. It has the best bed, the best pillows, and there`s no parking or traveling involved. Your other half thinks so, too. The pool awaits, the spa is bubbling, and your friends and neighbors think you are far, far away. Guess what? You`ve arrived.

66. Make a New Friend – A pool is a great way to turn an acquaintance into a friend. Relaxing in the cool water or the warm bubbling spa is perfect for encouraging conversation and laughter. So go ahead, extend an invitation to someone you would like to get to know better!

67. Poolside Weddings are Beautiful – The sound of water splashing gently and the scent of fresh flowers in the air is a spectacular environment for a beautiful wedding. A wedding by a pool in a private garden is as special and romantic as can be. The bride, groom, and all the guests will always remember the event.

68. A Pool is a Personal Luxury – Many pool owners purchase a pool for their kids and then discover that they love it just as much or even more than the kids do. The kids will leave home one day but the pool will stay a personal escape from the world.

69. A Pool is Perfect for Entertaining – A pool is the best backdrop for entertaining. Being outside next to a sparkling pool adds a special something to any gathering. Even the food and conversation are better!

70. Pride of Ownership – You will be asking yourself why you didn’t buy a pool sooner once you own one. Your pool can be a unique reflection of you and something that you are proud to own and show off.

71. Party Time!! – A pool is the greatest place for a party for the kids. Adults love pool parties too! Splashing and playing in the pool adds so much fun to any gathering for any reason.

72. Picnics and BBQs – Everybody loves to eat outdoors and it can be even more fun at your house because you have a pool!

73. Be a Trendsetter – Your neighbors will follow your lead once they see your new pool. The next thing you know, everyone will want one or will want to remodel the one they have.

74. You`ve Arrived - Your new swimming pool lets everyone know that you have the lifestyle you want. It`s a milestone purchase on the road of life.

75. Make the Neighbors Jealous – Your neighbors will wish they were you on a hot day! Be nice and invite them over but it’s okay to be glad that you are the one with the pool!

76. Quit Being Jealous of Your Neighbors – It’s hard to listen to the splashes and laughter of the family next door while they enjoy their pool on a sweltering day while you have to make do with an inflatable baby pool. Solve that problem by getting your own pool and be envious no longer!

77. Be a Swimsuit Model – You work out and you’d like to show off the results. Invite your friends and neighbors over for a dip in the pool and strut your stuff!

78. Give the Neighbors Something to Talk About – You’ll be the talk of the town with your new pool. Your pool shows that you value family and fun.

79. Now is the Time to Buy - Prices may never be lower so don’t put off purchasing the pool of your dreams. Timing is everything!

80. Take a Tax Deduction - If you use a home equity loan to purchase a swimming pool using a home equity loan you may money when April 15th rolls around. Ask your accountant.

81. Affordability – Pools are affordable and no longer for only the very rich. There are many types of pools and many ways to finance them. Explore all your options, and then don`t put it off another minute.

82. Easy Financing - Swimming pools are extremely easy to finance. There are many options available to help you get the exact pool you want. Low interest rates can even allow you to add some extras you’ve only dreamed about!

83. Prices Come Down in the Off Season – Just because it may be the off season, that doesn’t mean you have to wait to build your pool. There are lots of bargains at this time of year – check into it.

84. Technology Means Costs Are Lower – Advances in technology have made the cost of maintaining a pool lower. In recent years, pool manufacturers have added systems and technology to their product lines that have improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness for homeowners.

85. A Pool Can Be Less Expensive Than a Cruise - A big family vacation can cost a lot of money – maybe even more than a swimming pool. A swimming pool is like a vacation in your own back yard. And, it will last a lot longer, too!

86. A Fun (but Inexpensive) Date – Dating can get costly – a night on the town is great but who can afford it every night? A swimming pool is a fantastic way to have great time without dropping a lot of cash.

87. You Don’t Have to Relocate – You don’t have to move to revamp your lifestyle. You can add a pool and you will see the improvement in your property and lifestyle immediately.

88. There are Lots of Incentives – There are a lot of enticing incentives out there that your pool builder can offer or help you find. Take advantage of these and you might be able to add many extras to your pool that you had only dreamed about before.

89. Consider a Play Pool - Some families have opted for shallow, in-ground play pools or cocktail pools. They use less water, they`re easier and less expensive to maintain. They can still be a gorgeous and refreshing addition to your landscape.

90. Be Creative – From the shape of your pool to the hardscaping and the landscaping, you have so many options to express yourself without spending more than you want. Your pool builder can help you figure out a budget and still get a gorgeous pool.

91. A Pool Adds Value – A pool increases the value of your home of course, but the real value is in the enjoyment that you and your family get as pool owners. A pool is an investment that pays off in many ways.

92. Make Your House a Home – In our desert climate a house with no pool seems to be missing something. A pool makes your house a home where everyone wants to hang out.

93. Your Pool can be a Centerpiece - Those who own a swimming pool know its aesthetic value. A sparkling and jewel like pool can become the centerpiece of your garden. Yes, it’s a great place to swim but it can also be a thing of beauty. The light reflecting off of the water, the soothing sound of cascading water, and the cooling effect of water will all add beauty to your surroundings and bring peace to your soul.

94. A Pool Can Be Completely Customized – Build your pool your way and for your lifestyle. The options in tile, decking, shape, colors, etc. are endless. Your new pool can be a total reflection of you and what you love.

95. A Pool Adds Beauty - Your home may be gorgeous but it can be even more beautiful with the addition of a swimming pool. Pools are fun and functional but they also add a certain grace to every landscape. Your pool can enhance the beauty of your home.

96. Make Your Home Your Estate - Certain items like a pool or a tennis court make homes into estates. Realtors who market upscale properties will tell you that buyers are often surprised - or disappointed - if a swimming pool is not included on an estate-sized property.

97. Create Your Own Oasis – Add a natural look to your backyard with waterfalls, rock formations, or even a black bottom lagoon. Your pool can be your own private tropical paradise.

98. Consider An Indoor Oasis – An indoor pool can be a family gathering spot 365 days a year. It is possible to create an exceptional space reminiscent of a grotto, garden, or greenhouse. Sliding glass doors and skylights can bring the outdoors in as well – you are never limited!

99. A Pool is Wonderful Any Time of Day – Sitting by the pool early in the morning while the birds chirp and the air is still cool is an exhilarating way to start the day. And, in the evening when you are exhausted from a long day, nothing can soothe you like the moonlight reflecting off of the cool water of your pool. No matter the time of day, a pool invites you to linger and relax and just be.

100. Gracious Entertaining – A pool provides the ultimate backdrop for any social event. It’s the perfect setting for afternoon tea, early evening cocktails, or a delicious dinner. The ambiance of a pool sets the perfect mood for any gathering.

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  by: Bassel de Jaroueh
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