Everything Swimming Pools
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5 Things You May Not Know About Inground Pools
Inground pools are a symbol of luxury. For many people, the phrase inground pool conjures up images of beautiful people sunbathing, or couples taking a romantic nighttime swim. But beyond these glamorous images, there’s the reality of what it means to own an inground swimming
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The History Of Swimming Pools
Swimming as an organized activity goes back as far as 2500 B.C. in ancient Egypt and later in ancient Greece, Rome, and Assyria. In Rome and Greece, swimming was part of the education of elementary age boys and the Romans built the first swimming pools (separate from bathing
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THOMAS WHITE, TENNESSEE on April 30, 2014,
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Deepest Pool In The World
Nemo 33 is a recreational diving center in Brussels, Belgium that is home to the world`s deepest swimming pool. The pool itself consists of a submerged structure with flat platforms at various depth levels. The pool has two large flat-bottomed areas at depth levels of 5m (16 ft)
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MARK WILSON, WASHINGTON on April 24, 2014,
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100 Reasons To Own A Pool
1. Permanent Vacation – Being a swimming pool owner is like a permanent vacation! Every day is a great day! Your back yard will be paradise for your family.
2. Always Enjoyable - A swimming pool is always a fun place to be and even more so when it is in your own back yard.
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SANDRA CLARK, ALABAMA on April 16, 2014,
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How To Clean Swimming Pool Deck Drains
Swimming pools provide outdoor enjoyment as well as exercise during the warm spring and summer months. However, to keep your swimming pool functioning properly, it is important that you perform regular cleaning and maintenance.
An important part of pool maintenance
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Pool Covers You Can Walk On
Pool covers serve a lot of different purposes, but in general, they’re not intended to be walked on. Oh, there are safety pool covers that can easily support the weight of children, and one that famously advertises its ability to hold up under the weight of an elephant. But
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Filed in: HOW TO
How To Winterize Swimming Pool
- The main purpose in winterizing your inground swimming pool is to protect it from damage due to freezing water. Another is to keep it as clean as possible for the next season. Closing your swim pool properly can save you a lot of work when it comes time to open the swimming pool
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Some Assembly Required For Prefab Pools
Everyone knows that installing a swimming pool is a grueling project that takes hundreds of man hours and puts your backyard out of commission for months. Well… maybe not. Assembling a prefabricated swimming pool isn’t nearly as complicated as building one onsite. Whether
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MARK WILSON, WASHINGTON on March 17, 2014,
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How To Choose Swimming Pool Tiles
A swimming pool would look dry and dull without floor tiles because it can alleviate the look of this feature in your house. If you think getting floor tiles for your pool is just about color, design and aesthetics, you are totally wrong. There are still different aspects that you
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ROBERT LOPEZ, NEW JERSEY on March 14, 2014,
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Things To Do Inside Swimming Pool
When you see a hot sexy chick swimming in the pool on screen, you always think of going into the pool. Sexy bikinis and wild imaginations take its toll and you see yourself dreaming. When your partner takes a dip into the pool, you always wish to see and observe her.
To have
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Filed in: SEX
Fiberglass Vs Concrete Inground Pools
Fiberglass and concrete (gunite) swimming pools are very different. They look different. They feel different. And once you look into it closely, you’ll find that they have different strengths and weaknesses. Because they’re so different, there’s generally not much debate
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Inground Pool Sizes
Before you even decide to install a swimming pool, you’re likely to start focusing on one key factor – size. After all, how can you even begin to envision how a new pool will look in your backyard without considering how much space it will take up? While there are
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PATRICIA LEWIS, KANSAS on March 3, 2014,
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Are Fiberglass Pools Number One
Fiberglass pool inserts are the new kids on the block when it comes to pool construction, and like most newcomers, they’ve faced their share of scrutiny. Part of the skepticism was perhaps unfair, as people had to get used to a very different mode of pool building. However,
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DAVID GREEN, OHIO on March 2, 2014,
What S Good About Being A Swimmer
Swimming is good exercise (that`s obvious). Swimming is a lifetime sport that benefits the body and the whole person! But what is it that makes swimming good, specifically? That depends on what you are trying to accomplish as a swimmer.
Swimming is a healthy activity that
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DAVID GREEN, OHIO on February 28, 2014,
Filed in: HEALTH
Know Swimming Pool Style Safety Cost
An in-ground pool is the ultimate in backyard upgrades. If you’ve always wanted one, now may be the time. Prices have fallen during the recession by up to 30 percent. Nevertheless, it remains a big investment, so it’s important to make smart choices with regard to size,
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JOHN WRIGHT, NEW HAMPSHIRE on February 27, 2014,
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Health Risks Of Having Sex In Swimming Pool
If warm, sunny weather is inspiring you to get hot and heavy, you may want to skip getting it on in the pool, and save your nookie time for dry land. Although making sweet love in the water sounds sensual and natural, since you`re wearing next to nothing already, it`s not
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THOMAS WHITE, TENNESSEE on February 25, 2014,
Filed in: SEX
Reasons To Start Swimming Now!
Speed up the process to that summer tan and bikini body by jumping into the pool. Yes, the treadmill is fun, and so are those dumbbells, but they only offer a portion of what a swim workout does. From toning your core to speeding up your metabolism, there are several reasons
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DANIEL DAVIS, UTAH on February 25, 2014,
Filed in: HEALTH
Swim Without The Chemicals
As summer approaches and the temperature starts to soar, our thoughts can lead to one thing…
If you don’t live close enough to a gorgeously sparkling lake or ocean, a pool is one way to keep cool. Whether it’s your own, a friend’s or a community pool, read on to
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Filed in: HEALTH
Health Safety Tips Before Swimming Pools
For those repulsed by scatological topics, time to change the channel.
But those planning to swim today, the traditional opening day for public swimming pools, or any time this summer might want to stop eating and learn about the human causes of recreational water
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CAROL CARTER, CALIFORNIA on February 25, 2014,
Filed in: HEALTH
Do It Yourself With Inground Pool Kits
There are a lot of ways to reduce the cost of an inground pool, but none has the impact of the most obvious approach – doing it yourself. Most homeowners would never dream of undertaking such a major project, but for those with the experience, confidence, and time, doing some or
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DONALD MOORE, WEST VIRGINIA on February 25, 2014,
Filed in: HOW TO
How To Choose Between Pool Cleaning Services
Maintaining a swimming pool can be a lot of work, which is why a lot of busy homeowners decide to outsource it to professional pool cleaning services. Compared to the overall cost of an inground pool, hiring a swimming pool cleaning service isn’t all that expensive. But how
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EDWARD GARCIA, MICHIGAN on February 25, 2014,
Filed in: HOW TO
Saving Money With A Solar Pool Heater
The amount of energy required to keep an inground pool heated to a comfortable temperature is positively shocking. One popular way people are saving money on inground pool costs is by using a solar pool heater. Solar power isn’t always the most cost effective option for home
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LINDA LEE, LOUISIANA on February 25, 2014,
Filed in: HOW TO
Ways To Save Money On Pool Maintenance
Many of these steps cost you little or no money upfront, while saving you a lot down the road. But much like sticking to a diet or a family budget, they do require a little day-to-day discipline. The more consistent you are about keeping your pool maintenance costs down,
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SHARON PARKER, ALABAMA on February 25, 2014,
Filed in: HOW TO
Myths About Sex Under Water
A Woman Cannot Get Pregnant During Water Sex:
Do not be fooled by the widely held misconception that a woman cannot get pregnant if she has sex in the water. The fact is that nothing in water can kill sperm or prevent a pregnancy from happening. Basically, once sperm
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MICHAEL HILL, NEW MEXICO on February 21, 2014,
Filed in: SEX
Baby Swimming Pool Tips
Babies love being in water. Having spent the first nine months of their lives suspended in fluid in the womb, they love the liberating sensation of floating freely when swimming, as it’s such a familiar environment.
Here are some top tips to prepare your baby for the world
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DONNA NELSON, WEST VIRGINIA on February 20, 2014,
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Swimming With Your Baby
Getting your baby used to water early in his life makes sense from a safety point of view. Swimming is also great fun and good exercise too. Here’s some advice on taking the plunge.
When can I start swimming with my baby?
It`s best that you wait until six weeks after your
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KEVIN ALLEN, WASHINGTON on February 20, 2014,
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10 Tips For Cleaning Your Swimming Pools
Along with taking care of your pool water there are more aspects to cleaning your outdoor swimming pools. Following is a list of my choices for the 10 best tips for cleaning outdoor pools for summer. I rate all 10 tips as "easy". The cost for the majority of the
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PAUL MILLER, VIRGINIA on February 20, 2014,
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Shape Up For Summer With This Great Fitness Advice
Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise for torching fat and toning up – and you don’t need to train like an Olympian to see results
A pool might not be the first place you think of going when you’re looking to shape up and slim down– but maybe it should be. Few
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PAUL MILLER, VIRGINIA on February 20, 2014,
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8 Myths Of Swimming Pools Ownership
Here are the top ten myths - and some helpful tips - about owning and maintaining a swimming pool (swimming pools).
1. "I can`t afford a pool."
Owning a CASA fiberglass swimming pool (swimming pools) is probably a lot easier than you think. There are many reasonably-priced
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KEVIN ALLEN, WASHINGTON on February 20, 2014,
Filed in: GENERAL
Sex Under Water
There may not be anything like an evening of a little water sex to get the night started. So dress yourself in nothing but the coated water and get lost into an act for the most sensual feeling. Make love in water and imagine a couple of hours of sexual under water act where
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PAUL MILLER, VIRGINIA on February 20, 2014,
Filed in: SEX
Why Choose Swimming
he benefits of Swimming are numerous, significant, and undeniable. Swimming can be beneficial to people across a broad range of ages and abilities: the very young to the very old, the very slow to the very fast, those with injuries or degenerative conditions, pregnant women,
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NANCY JOHNSON, COLORADO on February 20, 2014,
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Indoor Swimming Pools
Bringing the Outside In
When a warm breeze blows in a clear sky, nothing compares to a dip in a crystal clear outdoor pool. The weather is fickle, however, and can turn an idyllic setting into Poseidon`s playground in no time. That is why indoor pools are becoming
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DANIEL DAVIS, UTAH on February 20, 2014,
Filed in: GENERAL
Lebanon From Wikipedia
This article is about the country. For other uses of "Lebanon", see Lebanon (disambiguation) and Liban (disambiguation).
Lebanese Republic
الجمهورية اللبنانية
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PATRICIA LEWIS, KANSAS on February 20, 2014,
Filed in: WIKI
Why Is Swimming Good For You
Swimming is the perfect summer sport: what better way to cool off than to take a refreshing dip? It doesn`t matter whether it`s at the beach, river or pool, the long sunny days are a perfect excuse to take to the water. But swimming isn`t just fun and a great way to cool down,
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DONALD MOORE, WEST VIRGINIA on February 20, 2014,
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From Wikipedia Swimming Pool
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For other uses, see swimming pool (swimming pools) (disambiguation).
Backyard swimming pool (swimming pools)
A private swimming pool (swimming pools) in Tagaytay, Philippines
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SUSAN ADAMS, NEW JERSEY on February 20, 2014,
Filed in: WIKI
Ways To Have Sex In Water
When you think of sex, the words wet, slippery and hot come to mind, especially if you`re talking about having sex in water. However, water sex isn`t as easy as jumping into the pool and going at it. In fact, water sex is pretty dangerous for many reasons. Having sex underwater
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MARY RODRIGUEZ, ARIZONA on February 20, 2014,
Filed in: SEX
Casa Pool 10 Years Guarantee
The pools are provided with 10-year warranty, if the pools are installed according to requirements of given instruction:
1. The fiberglass pool "CASA POOLS" has to be deepened into the ground for 135cm.
2. If the pool is not covered with polyurethane foam by factory,
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LINDA LEE, LOUISIANA on February 20, 2014,
The Facts About Underwater Sex
Under water sex sounds hot right? Two almost naked bodies glistening in the summer sun... A flirtatious splish, a friendly splash, your body weightlessly wrapped around his for an intimate kiss and some cheeky under water touching.
It is hot, and it`s definitely easy to
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HELEN BROWN, GEORGIA on February 20, 2014,
Filed in: SEX
Maintenance Made Easy With Automatic Swimming Pools Cl
Spring is here and you can’t wait to spend your free time in your backyard swimming pool (swimming pools). The best part about owning your own swimming pool (swimming pools) is the countless hours you will spend relaxing, playing, entertaining and enjoying the outdoors. The worst
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KIMBERLY ROBERTS, MISSOURI on February 20, 2014,
Filed in: GENERAL
List Of Cities And Towns In Lebanon
This is a list of cities and towns in Lebanon, distributed according to district. There are 851 in all. 56.21% of the population lives in 19 towns.
Beirut Governorate
Beirut (1)
Municipality of Beirut
Mount Lebanon
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DOROTHY GONZALEZ, GEORGIA on February 20, 2014,
Filed in: GENERAL
Fiberglass Pool Installation
Before pool installation, please consult building specialist for pool installation in your territory. In specific cases, when soil is unstable or specific, when there is a downhill or other nonstandard situations, additional soil, cement and pool reinforcements, indicated
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STEVEN THOMPSON, KANSAS on February 20, 2014,
Swimming Pools Filter
Keeping your swimming pool (swimming pools) clean is the most essential part of pool ownership.
The circulation of water allows the pool chemicals to keep the water sanitized and crystal clear. This is greatly aided by the type of pool filter that you use in your swimming
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MARY RODRIGUEZ, ARIZONA on February 20, 2014,
Filed in: GENERAL
Pool Chemistry To Extend Your Swimming Pools Life
Birds are chirping, the grass is growing, and the temperature is slowly rising. Spring is in bloom and you want to spend your free time outside. Landscaping, opening your swimming pool (swimming pools), and basic home improvement should all be on your list. Opening your pool can
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GEORGE TAYLOR, WISCONSIN on February 20, 2014,
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Swimming Pools Types
The main difference between different types of pools is how the basin is constructed. There are several different pool styles, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
Above-ground pools are the cheapest construction option, as well as the easiest to build.
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MARK WILSON, WASHINGTON on February 20, 2014,
Filed in: GENERAL
Egypt, From Wikipedia
This article is about the modern country. For the ancient realm, see Ancient Egypt.
For other uses, see Egypt (disambiguation).
Arab Republic of
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GEORGE TAYLOR, WISCONSIN on February 20, 2014,
Filed in: WIKI
Swimming To Lose Weight
Swimming helps lose weight, burn calories and puts little stress on your body. Swimming works all the major muscles, and will tone you up and slim you down!
You can train to swim at a competitive level or you can enjoy a few healthy lengths at your local pool; you decide how
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CAROL CARTER, CALIFORNIA on February 20, 2014,
Filed in: GENERAL
Swimming Strokes
Swimming strokes? learning to swim? learn good technique? what are the benefits? How do you find the answers? Simple, find all those answers and more. In my website you will find that it does not just require skill it also requires knowledge of the sport which I will share with
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JENNIFER COLLINS, FLORIDA on February 20, 2014,
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Quotes About Swimming
Don`t wait for your ship to come in - swim out to it. ~Author Unknown
If I were dropped out of a plane into the ocean and told the nearest land was a thousand miles away, I`d still swim. And I`d despise the one who gave up. ~Abraham Maslow
The water is your friend. You don`t
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THOMAS WHITE, TENNESSEE on February 20, 2014,
Filed in: GENERAL
Opening The Swimming Pools For Summer Time
Get Ready for Pool Season
When spring is finally here and as the temperatures begin to climb, it’s time to think about getting the pool area ready for the warm weather. Opening a pool is now easier than ever and with a few simple steps, you can be ready to enjoy your pool
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DONALD MOORE, WEST VIRGINIA on February 20, 2014,
Filed in: GENERAL
10 Great Reasons To Have A Casa Pool
1. Encourage Family Time
When you build a pool, you`re actually creating a fun and relaxing space for your children and family to spend time together without ever leaving the backyard! You`ll make lasting memories as you teach your kids to swim, play with them in the pool,
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SUSAN ADAMS, NEW JERSEY on February 20, 2014,
Swimming Pool Party Ideas
Party Time! Entertaining Ideas For The Pool And Spa
One of the most enjoyable aspects of pool ownership is entertaining family and friends in and around its refreshing waters. For casual family get-togethers to a lovely poolside wedding, the pool has unlimited uses as
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MARIA KING, WASHINGTON on February 20, 2014,
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5 Things Every Pool Patio Needs
When you’re building a new swimming pool, it’s only natural to concentrate on the pool itself. But what a lot of future pool owners don’t realize is that they’ll actually be spending a lot more time on the pool patio – sunbathing, barbecuing, or simply enjoying the scenery.
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Avoiding Common Swimming Pools Maintenance Mistakes
Swimming pool maintenance does not have to be difficult, but knowing how to properly maintain your pool by avoiding common mistakes will make it a much more rewarding experience as well as a safer place for family fun. Follow these tips for easy pool maintenance:
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PAUL MILLER, VIRGINIA on February 18, 2014,
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Fiberglass Swimming Pool Maintenance
Maintenance of a fiberglass pool is similar to the maintenance for all pools: Keep the chemistry in balance, the surface and bottom clean and the water filtered. There are, however, a few maintenance items unique to fiberglass. Some of these items are an advantage, while others
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DEBORAH TURNER, MONTANA on February 18, 2014,
What Is Casa Fiberglass Pools
CASA POOLS are made from fiberglass-reinforced plastic molded into a basin shape.
The smooth, nonporous surface of CASA POOL fiberglass is inhospitable to algae and requires less brushing than that of a plaster-finished pool. Since fiberglass pools feature
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RONALD ROBINSON, VIRGINIA on February 18, 2014,
How To Have Sex In Water
When you think of sex, the words wet, slippery and hot come to mind, especially if you’re talking about having sex in water. However, water sex isn’t as easy as jumping into the pool and going at it. In fact, water sex is pretty dangerous for many reasons. Having sex underwater
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PAUL MILLER, VIRGINIA on February 18, 2014,
Filed in: SEX
Swimming Pools Games
Want something to do in the pool besides swim? Try these games with your friends!
Atomic Whirlpool
Have everyone get in the pool and line up single file along the edge with very little space between them. Have everyone walk for a couple of minutes, then jog another couple
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KAREN WILLIAMS, DELAWARE on February 18, 2014,
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Swimming Pools Fun Facts
Swimming and Pool Trivia To Share with Friends
Elephants can swim as many as 20 miles a day - they use their trunks as natural snorkels!
The bikini swimsuit was named after a U.S. nuclear testing site in the South Pacific called Bikini Atoll.
65% of people in
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MARGARET BAKER, LOUISIANA on February 18, 2014,
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Energy Saving Tips
To support your efforts to make your pool and spa as economical and eco-friendly as possible, below are some changes you can make that help conserve energy and water while reducing your operating costs.
Reduce heat loss by using a pool cover. Your energy savings can be
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LAURA MITCHELL, MICHIGAN on February 18, 2014,
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Glossary Of Swimming Pool Chemical Terminology
ACID: A chemical substance containing hydrogen with the ability to dissolve metals, neutralize alkaline materials and combine with bases to form salts. Acid is used to lower (decrease) pH and total alkalinity of swimming pool (swimming pools) and spa water. Examples are
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HELEN BROWN, GEORGIA on February 18, 2014,
Filed in: WIKI
How To Master Breathing In The Freestyle
Developing a good breathing technique is perhaps the biggest challenge for beginner and intermediate swimmers. Problems with breathing can easily knock on into other parts of the stroke. For instance, breathing can cause scissor kicks, poor body position, cross-overs and
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DOROTHY GONZALEZ, GEORGIA on February 18, 2014,
Filed in: GENERAL
Advices For Sex In A Swimming Pools
Swimming pools are a great way to enjoy sex in a completely different manner. The environment of a pool is about as far away from the bed as you can get. You are submerged in (often cold) water, you have to work to keep afloat and you have greater freedom of
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Filed in: SEX
Benefits Of Swimming For Pregnant
Swimming is in fact one of the best forms of exercise and even more so during your pregnancy. The beauty with swimming is that there is no additional stress and strain which is placed on your body and joints while you are exercising.
Of course, during the summer months it is
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GEORGE TAYLOR, WISCONSIN on February 17, 2014,
Filed in: HEALTH
Benefit Of Swimming For Ladies
There is no denying the fact that swimming provides countless benefits for ladies of all ages. Everyone knows that exercise is vital to living a long healthy life and swimming is a tremendous form of exercise. Whether you are looking to lose weight, eliminate stress, or
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LINDA LEE, LOUISIANA on February 17, 2014,
Filed in: GENERAL
Benefits Of Swimming
Swimming is in fact one of the best forms of exercise and even more so during your pregnancy. The beauty with swimming is that there is no additional stress and strain which is placed on your body and joints while you are exercising.
Of course, during the summer months it is
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BARBARA EVANS, WEST VIRGINIA on February 17, 2014,
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What Is Aquaphobia
Aquaphobia, or fear of water, is a fairly common specific phobia. Like all phobias, it may vary dramatically in severity from person to person. Some people are only afraid of deep water or strong waves, while others fear swimming pool (swimming pools) and bathtubs. Some are
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DAVID GREEN, OHIO on February 17, 2014,
Filed in: HEALTH
Are Fiberglass Swimming Pools A Good Value
For people who plan on living in a home and using an in-ground swimming pool (swimming pools) for a long time, fiberglass swimming pools are often a better value than poured concrete pools. Although the prefabricated fiberglass material is more expensive than concrete or vinyl
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JOHN WRIGHT, NEW HAMPSHIRE on February 17, 2014,
10 Tips For Better Swimming
here are many things that swimmers can do to swim better. This to do list of 10 swim tips could help any swimmer improve their swimming. The first step is to get to the pool - get out of the home or the office and get swimming. Once you are doing that, then you can start to get
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KEVIN ALLEN, WASHINGTON on February 17, 2014,
Filed in: GENERAL
4 Reasons To Go Fiberglass
Install Time – A typical concrete swimming pools will usually take 8 to 12 weeks to install. You can have a complete fiberglass pools done in about 1 weeks or less. Now don’t interrupt a quicker install as being a cheaper looking product.
Less Cleaning – yes less cleaning is one
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JAMES PHILLIPS, NEBRASKA on February 17, 2014,
Swimming Pools General Glossary
ACID: A chemical substance containing hydrogen with the ability to dissolve metals, neutralize alkaline materials and combine with bases to form salts. Acid is used to lower (decrease) pH and total alkalinity of swimming pool (swimming pools) and spa water. Examples are
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ROBERT LOPEZ, NEW JERSEY on February 17, 2014,
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