4 Reasons to Go Fiberglass! | NoYearly Maintenance: SAVE YOUR $$$$$$ the amount spent on chemicals is far less on a fiberglass pools compared to a concrete pools. With a concrete being more porous constant chemical buying to clean a concrete pools is going to get costly over time. As compared to a fiberglass pools the monthly cost will be a of the cost of what it would be with a concrete pools. Install Time: 5 DAYS A typical concrete swimming pools will usually take 8 to 12 weeks to install. You can have a complete fiberglass pools done in about 1 weeks or less. Now don t interrupt a quicker install as being a cheaper looking product. Less Cleaning: LITTLE CHEMICALS,HEALTHIER!! Yesless cleaning is one of our biggest points that we argue about. Now were not saying no cleaning is involved but far less cleaning is required for a fiberglass pools than a concrete. You see a concrete pools is a lot more porous which in terms leads to more ways to build up algae. Now a fiberglass has a non porous surface so there s no ability for algae to grow. So for a concrete pools, daily brushing is usually normal to prevent any algae build up as compared to a fiberglass pools.

Big Cost Of Your Swimming pools: The biggest cost for you pools should be just the initial cost to get your pools installed but with a concrete pools you could spend more over time than what it originally cost you to install it. Because concrete will eventually wear and crack, re-plastering is often required every4 to 6years now if you don t maintain daily cleaning with your concrete pools re-plastering your concrete pools can happen within 3 years. Re-plastering is a 10,000 to 15,000 dollars job depending on the size of your pools. |
3 MAIN REASONS TO GO FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS POOLS VS CONCRETE POOLS 1. No Yearly Maintenance (SAVE YOUR $$$) 2. Short Install Time (5 Days) 3. Less Cleaning (Little Chemicals, healthier !!)  |